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About RAAD EHR Roadmap

Purpose of Roadmap

The purpose of the RAAD EHR roadmap is to provide a blueprint on the implementation and roll out of the RAAD EHR in Somalia, timeline, costs and the anticipated plan of actions by the Federal and States Ministry of Health. The document gives guidance to implementers, users and funders on the work the Ministry of Health is carrying out, and the goals and objectives intended to be achieved.

The EHR roadmap describes what has been achieved to-date and describes further on how the Federal and State Ministry of Health plans to better coordinate the expansion and integration into the health service delivery at all levels through setting up of ICT infrastructure, and the training of health workers in the use of ICT to improve efficiency of health services delivery.

The RAAD EHR system roadmap is a living document and will continue to receive regular updates on quarterly and annual basis given the dynamic nature of delivering health services, new learning and improvements from the pilot implementation, and the changes in the technology.

EHR Objectives

The overall goal of the RAAD EHR development and deployment is to implement a standards-based, interoperable, patient-centric system that supports end-to-end patient care and management across the continuum of care. This aims to ensure the delivery of high-quality health services and facilitate timely, accurate reporting for evidence-based decision-making.

The specific objectives of the RAAD EHR are as follows:

  • Enhance patient care and management throughout the continuum of care.

  • Improve the quality of care within the health delivery system.

  • Support patient care and management at all levels of the healthcare system.

  • Ensure integration and interoperability with other health systems, including seamless integration with Somalia's HMIS (DHIS2) for monthly reporting.

  • Provide timely and accurate information to support evidence-based decision-making at all levels of healthcare delivery.

Short-Term Outputs/Outcomes

  • Digitize all existing paper-based registers and integrate them into the EHR platform for seamless data management.

  • Establish the minimum required ICT infrastructure to fully operationalize the EHR system across health facilities.

  • Complete EHR installation in at least 70% of service delivery points, ensuring widespread adoption and functionality.

  • Conduct comprehensive training for healthcare workers on using the EHR system and digital tools for effective patient and client management.

  • Achieve 90% integration of report generation with DHIS2, ensuring timely and accurate health data reporting.

RAAD EHR Roadmap